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时间:2024-04-25 11:46:41 浏览:9次

导演: 尚恩·穆雷
编剧: Sean Murray
主演: Josephine Moon Bloomfield / Lisa Marie Brevogel / Janine DeStio / Lou DeVito / Matt Garafalo / 更多...
类型: 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2019-05-25(美国)

进入扭曲和超现实的安葬世界-在那里没有什么是因为它似乎没有人是安全的。编剧/导演肖恩·默里(Sean Murray)讲述了这场血淋淋的悲剧,它会让你感到不安和不安。查理·奥斯蒙德侦探(比尔·马什饰)正在追捕一个名叫斯科特(路易斯·德维托饰)的残忍连环杀手。奥斯蒙德在路上遇到的一切把他推到了精神错乱的边缘。尸体,一个叫切尔西的黑天使(詹妮弗·诺兰饰)和黑衣人。体验终极恐怖:安葬会让任何敢于睁大眼睛直到死亡的人感到震惊和不安。

  Enter the twisted and surreal world of Interment - where nothing is as it seems and no one is safe. Writer/director Sean Murray delivers this blood soaked tragedy which will leave you uneasy and disturbed. Detective Charlie Osmond (Bill Marsh) is in pursuit of a ruthless serial killer known as Scott (Louis Devito). What Osmond encounters along the trail pushes him over the edge of sanity. Dead bodies, a dark angel named Chelsey (Jennifer Nolan) - and the evil Man in Black. Experience the ultimate terror: Interment will shock and unnerve anyone who dares to keep their eyes open until it's fatal end.
